Employee-Owned Since 1984

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30 Years Experience in Making Pool CoversReview of Pool Covers, Inc.

Clovis Safety Pool Covers Help Save Lives

Clovis Safety Pool Covers Help Save Lives

A backyard swimming pool is a great investment. It allows you to enjoy the water in the comfort and privacy of your own yard and can increase property value. So, why don’t you protect your investment with another investment – the best Clovis safety pool cover?

Perhaps you may have wondered whether you should be covering your pool. If that is the case, you should discover the benefits of pool covers and the dangers that can be avoided by having a safety cover.

Whether you own a swimming pool, or are planning to build one, you may want to find out about pool covers and the numerous benefits that they can provide to you and your family:

  • They keep the water clean by preventing leaves, twigs, dirt, and other debris.
  • They prevent evaporation.
  • They maintain the water’s temperature without the need to turn the heater on.
  • They maintain the chemicals in the water, keeping it sanitized.
  • And the most important reason for getting and using one – pool covers prevent accidental drowning when the pool is not in use.

If you have young children, pets, and non-swimmers in your family, think about what a pool cover does by protecting them from accidental drowning. A pool cover can eliminate the fears of your children (and your neighbors’ children) wandering aimlessly and accidentally slipping into your pool. Sadly, this happens many times each year. And the most tragic of all – most of the water-related fatalities and injuries occur not in beaches and public resorts, but in backyard pools.

But with a pool cover, no matter if a child or pet ventures aimlessly toward the pool, it will be strong enough to hold them up, safely out of the water, and allowing them to find their way back to the ground.

Pool Covers Inc.’s safety pool covers provide the protection that you need for your loved ones.

Our safety pool cover is classified as an “isolation” barrier. Unlike other pool security methods such as a pool fence or a pool alarm, our pool covers isolate the pool water from the pool deck and its surroundings. This “isolation” of the water takes away all the temptation for active and curious children and pets who, with other safety devices can still see the water in the pool.

Both our manual and automatic pool covers provide the same safety benefits. But if you use our automatic pool covers, there’s an additional benefit: they cannot be climbed over or under to get into the water.

For a pool cover to be distinguished as “safe”, it should comply with all the safety standards and requirements from the A.S.T.M. International. Pool Covers, Inc.‘s pool covers, both manual and automatic, have not only met the A.S.T.M. safety standards – they even exceed them! We make sure that our pool covers are designed to fit your swimming pool, no matter the size and shape.

Your investment in good-quality safety pool covers will save you time, water, energy, and money. They will also save you from stress. And the most important benefit of all – Clovis safety pool covers can save the lives of your loved ones, ultimately bringing you peace of mind.