Employee-Owned Since 1984

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30 Years Experience in Making Pool CoversReview of Pool Covers, Inc.

Month: December 2020

Having your own swimming pool is a luxury – you get to swim and enjoy the waters anytime you like, in the comfort and privacy of your backyard. However, many residential pool owners still have not considered using pool covers in Read more…

Having a swimming pool in your backyard allows you to enjoy it whenever you like. It makes summers more enjoyable and provides years of fun for your children as they grow up. But to ensure pool security, use safety pool covers Read more…

While evaporation in swimming pools seems to be negligible, it is something that every pool owner should be concerned about having happen in their pool. Have you considered installing swimming pool covers in Granite Bay to reduce pool water evaporation? Read more…

Automatic pool covers in Clovis have seen significant innovations in recent years, which give them greater flexibility to any types of swimming pools and spas. The safety features of these automatic pool covers have also significantly improved. Because of these Read more…