Employee-Owned Since 1984

Save Lives, Save Water, Save Heat, Save Money

30 Years Experience in Making Pool CoversReview of Pool Covers, Inc.


Safety Pool CoverThe biggest benefit of a safety pool cover or safety spa cover is that they save lives. Our safety pool covers are the only barrier type that keep children and pets out of the pool water.

Our swimming pool safety cover is classified as an "Isolation" Barrier, which unlike other barriers such as fences, actually isolates the pool water from the pool deck and its surroundings. This "Isolation" of the water removes all the temptation for children who, with other safety devices can still see the water of the pool. Also, automatic swimming pool covers cannot be climbed over or under to get to the water.

Safety Spa CoversOur safety pool covers are so strong, they support the weight of several adults. In many areas with strict safety laws, our safety pool covers are recognized as a replacement for a second fence-they are more attractive too!

Two thirds of all drownings occur in unattended pools-most being children under the age of five. So improve child safety and increase drowning prevention by keeping your pool covered when not in use.

Pool Safety Tips and Advice

Since our inception, our purpose has been to provide safety, savings, and convenience to California families like yours.
So although we make every effort to provide you with the safest product available, we want to stress the following:
Pool Covers, Inc. Suggests These Safety Tips for Your Pool

  • It is recommended that pool owners use layers of protection including a Pool Covers, Inc. safety pool cover.
  • For safety around a pool, nothing is more important than adult supervision. Most cases of accidental drowning happen with less than a five minute lapse of attention or supervision. Pool owners should understand to never allow a child to be unattended, particularly near an uncovered pool.
  • Even if a child has had swimming lessons it does not guarantee the child is “water safe.” Always keep an eye on children who are near a swimming pool.
  • Teach every baby sitter about hazardous areas of your backyard including the swimming pool.
  • Be sure to install a telephone near your pool and post a list of emergency numbers as well as including your street address.
  • Free-floating swimming pool covers are not safe. It is very easy for a child to slip underneath one without being noticed.
  • When planning to swim, completely remove the swimming pool cover because it is hazardous to swim near a partially covered swimming pool.

Automatic safety cover resources

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPCS website

Mailing address
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Washington, D.C. 20207-0001

Street address
4330 East-West Highway
Bethesda, Maryland 20814-4408

General Information: (301) 504-7923

Toll-free consumer hotline: 800-638-2772

Preventing Child Drownings.