Employee-Owned Since 1984

Save Lives, Save Water, Save Heat, Save Money

30 Years Experience in Making Pool CoversReview of Pool Covers, Inc.

Top-of-the-Line Safety Pool Covers for San Anselmo

You deserve the best-quality safety pool covers for San Anselmo pools, whether you want to reduce water evaporation in your pool or a desire to avoid poolside accidents.

So what should make a top-of-the-line safety pool cover? Well, it should be from a reputable pool cover company such as Pool Covers, Inc., which has been in the business for over 40 years providing manual and automatic swimming pool and spa covers in the Northern California area. You also want the company installing your swimming pool cover to have exceptional customer service.

If you are concerned with evaporation Pool Covers, Inc. can help you address this problem. Aside from the splashing, water loss is attributed to an uncovered pool especially during the hot months or during a drought. Do you know that the water lost from an average-sized swimming pool every day is up to 30%? This is equal about 720 gallons — a lot of water you could have saved!

Apart from helping with the evaporation of water, heat and chemicals, another concern is the safety of your family especially when you have young children in your household. An uncovered pool can look innocuous but it’s still a danger for unsupervised kids. In fact, a large portion of children’s deaths or injuries happen right in the family’s backyard swimming pool, not on the beach or at a resort. The fact is these drowning accidents could have been prevented by simply covering the pool.

Other safety devices like fences built around the pool don’t actually keep children, pets or other animals out of the pool itself. A safety pool cover is the ONLY barrier that prevents someone or something from entering the water.

Pool Covers, Inc.’s pool covers are made from high-grade materials such as durable vinyl and other specialized materials like UV-reinforced vinyl, polythyrene, or polyethylene. These materials make the pool cover more durable and are expected to last longer than bubble or other types of solar covers.

Using Pool Covers, Inc’s high-quality pool covers can help minimize water evaporation by up to 95% when the cover is closed. This means you will save about 700,000 gallons of water. Aside from trapping the vapors and bringing them back into the water, pool covers can also help heat up the pool, which makes it ideal for a night dip. Aside from saving water, you also save money from paying energy bills to heat your pool.

Aside from these benefits, a dirty pool won’t be a problem when it’s covered with Pool Covers, Inc.’s pool covers. These covers prevent debris such as leaves, twigs, dirt, dust, etc. from entering your pool. This can save you money, or time and effort, having to clean your pool so often.

Pool Covers, Inc.’s safety pool and spa covers are available both in manual (snap down and track manual) and state-of-the-art Infinity 4000 automatic pool covers. All our products exceed the safety standards imposed by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). So with Pool Covers, Inc., you can be guaranteed of excellent, high-quality safety pool covers in San Anselmo that can help you save water and save lives.