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Checking Pool Covers in Sonoma for Damage

Pool covers in Sonoma, no matter how they claim to be durable, aren’t meant to last as intended if they’re not maintained properly.
Actually, taking care of pool covers is not hard or time-consuming. You only have to check them for any damage from time to time. If you want your pool cover to have its optimum performance, you’ll want to take care of it.

It takes a little effort if you regularly check your pool cover. Always keep in mind that a pool cover is exposed to a variety of elements like the sunlight, fallen leaves and other debris, wind, frost, chemicals in the pool water, as well as how often the cover is used.

Check the pool cover to see if it has a rip or tear and the extent of its damage. If a rip or tear is just small — not more than six inches — then it should be addressed easily with simple repairs. But if the pool cover has got a long, curved tear, a repair might be possible but don’t expect it to protect your pool as it used to. It would be much better to replace it with a new pool cover.

Pool covers are in constant contact with the pool water, which is mixed with chlorine and other sanitizing chemicals. Over eighty-five percent of the pool cover lies on the surface of the water whenever it does its job of protecting the swimming pool. Owners think that the chemicals can also contribute to the damage of the pool apart from the leaves, twigs, branches and other debris that are fallen onto the pool.

Chemicals such as chlorine sanitize your pool and make it looking great but they can corrode the pool cover if not used and maintained properly.

Sometimes it is not the chlorine itself that can possibly damage the swimming pool cover, but the additives in it such as fillers. As the chlorine dries, it produces flakes or scales that can be damaging not only on the pool cover fabric itself but also on the metallic parts and machines (in case of an automatic pool cover) when they get splashed on with water.

You may have noticed a remarkable discoloration or damage on your pool cover, as well as corrosive marks on its metal workings. Or you may have also discovered that the automatic pool cover’s machine is jammed and also suffers noticeable corrosion. Then you may conclude that your pool cover is damaged by the caustic chemicals in the swimming pool.

Thus, it is important to maintain the right pH levels in your pool. The pH is the balance between basic and acidic. High levels of pH will cause your pool to become too basic and low levels of it will cause it to become acidic — so too much and too little of it will be harmful for you and can also damage your pool cover. The proper pH balance is between 7.4 and 7.6. Remember that the right chlorine levels don’t necessarily equate to right pH levels.

Use chlorine that is about 96% pure. If you add powdered shock in the chlorine, use it with caution as it may also cause damage to the swimming pool cover.

These are the only steps which will help ensure that pool covers in Sonoma are maintained properly.